Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year, Friends!

Happy New Year Friends! The blog has been a little quiet and that was all a part of my plan. I’ve realized that I have to live an interesting life to have an interesting blog so I’ve spent half of this little hiatus being boring and the other half of it coming out of my hibernation and therefore actually having something to write about.

I got on this massive organization/purging kick right after Christmas and have been sorting through all those boxes that your parents give you when you move out which you then shove into a closet to deal with…well, in my case, about five years later. I’ve got to tell you it feels GREAT! I got from six boxes down to one and I feel like I actually know what I own instead of just having a vague feeling that “I might have one of those somewhere…” Total confession: the only thing I found in the boxes that really made me cringe was some thank you notes I forgot to send out from our wedding. Yup, fully written, addressed, and in some cases even stamped…just not sent. There were only about six but it was a funny little time capsule, there was one to a couple who are now both married to other people and one to someone who was a friend at the time and is now my sister-in-law!

Other than that we’ve just been enjoying the holidays with family and friends…things got considerably less crazy the weekend before Christmas so I was actually able to enjoy it. It was weird not seeing Nathan’s family but they were having a blast down in San Diego and we got to Skype with them on Christmas night. Actually one of the highlights was on Christmas Eve we were at my parent’s house with all the relatives. My Aunt and Uncle are into Scottish Ceilidh dancing so we pushed all the furniture out of the way and got a little dance party going by the Christmas tree. It just felt so…idyllic. Of course, I then made the mistake of exclaiming, “I feel like I’m in Pride and Prejudice!” After that it was a little bit harder to get the guys to dance with us!

Enjoying Snowflake Lane with Brad and Nicole

Quiet Christmas morning


On New Year’s Eve we had a most delicious dinner with friends followed by Bingo and fondue (because apparently we’re from the 70’s). We headed down to Gasworks Park before midnight thinking we’d be able to see the Space Needle fireworks across South Lake Union but it was so foggy we couldn’t see fifty feet in front of us! We still had fun ringing in the New Year and promptly heading home to go bed so I could get up and be at work at 7 the next morning. 

Happy New Year! (Nice face, Nathan!)